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여러분은 영어로 토킹할때 어떤 단어를 주로 쓰시나요? 저는 이것저것 상황에 따라 같은단어보단 여러단어를 쓰며 좀더 넓은 스펙트럼을 가지고 이야기하는것을 좋아하기 때문에 아직도 많은 단어를 공부하고있습니다. 그래서 이번편엔 여러분들이 알수도있지만! 또 모를수도 있는 생소하면서 고급진 단어들을 좀 모아왔습니다! 그럼 한번 같이 어떤게있는지 둘러볼까요? 자 한번 확인해봅시다!
Heyday : 한창때 ,전성기 |
Back in my hey day it was nothing for me to stay out drinking wiht friend till five in the morning
Eccentric : 괴상한 , 특이한 괴짜 , 괴인 |
he's one of the only truly brilliant people i have ever met, but if you spend a little some time with him. you will realize thgat he is quite eccentric.
Humiliate : 창피를 주다 |
i know he made a mistake but there was no need for our boss to humiliate him in front of every like that
Burdensome : 부담스러운 |
many countries are leery of doing business in china due to that country's burdensome trade regulations on foreign businesses.
Shoddy : 단정하지못한 , 저수준의 , 부실한 |
the builder did an awfully shoddy jobwith your house. i don't even think it's safe for you to ve living here
Grueling : 매우험한, 매우힘든 ( 비유적으로 삶의 길에 대해서 ) |
it's a grueling path up the corporate ladder from here
Mumble : 중얼거리다 |
what were you just mumbling at me?
Nostalgia : 향수병, 회상에 젖은 |
frayed family pictures i dug up in my mother's closet, i was suddenly overcome with nostalgia and wept like a child
Extant : 잔존하는 현존의 |
there are very few extant versions of the works of cicero so most printings are taken from secondary sources.
Veneration : 존경심 |
Catholics treat papal artifacts with a great deal of veneration
Amiable : 호감을 주는, 착한 |
everyone around him was impressed by his consistently amiable nature
Incipient : 초기의 |
his machinations to seize power were still in their incipient stages, but worrisome nonetheless
Sumptuous : 호화로운, 비싸고 화려한 |
what a sumptuous meal you've prepared !
Seamy : ( 주로 위험하고 보기 안좋은 동네를 가리키는 말) |
I got a good deal on my hotel, but next time i'd rather not stay on the seamy side of town
Rewaring : 보람 있는, 유익한 |
being a teacher is one of the most rewarding career paths a person can choose
Flamboyant : 화려한 , 현란한 (주로 스타일에 대해서) |
Trot singers are known for their flamboyant outfits.
Magnanimouse : 관대한, 통이 큰 |
in a leadership, position, haveing a clear vision is important but treating your underlings in a magnanimous way is also a crucial part of being an effective boss
Fraught with : ~로 가득찬 |
Bear in mind that this is an operation fraught with danger.
To come to naught : 무산되다 흐지부지 되다 |
his palns to finally confess his love for her as they walked along the beach came to naught when he couldn't summon the courage to say how he felt
Litter : 무단투기, 무단투기된 쓰레기들 |
i think many people would rather not little but there is such a scarcity of trash cans in korea, thet they finally just give up
i enjoyed my trip to the ski resort, but was really disappointed to see so muc litter on the mountain
Transaction : 거래 |
Under the cash less cabin policy, a credit card transaction is now the only way to purchase snacks and drinks onboard many place
the automated ticketing machines at light rail stations are convenient but change for all cash transactions is returned in dollar coin and not bills
Notorious : 악명높은 |
A notorious drug dealer was finally nabbed by police last weekend in baja, mexico
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