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Spectator : 관객, 관중 (경기에서의)
a spectator was injured when a piece of a broken bat flew into the stands and struk him in the face
Flaw : 빈틈 ,흠
this shirt has a flaw in the seam, so it has never fit properly.
harrowing : 무섭고 험한
dueto choppy seas, we had a harrowing trip on the boad over from busan.
Impromptu : 즉석에서하는 , 즉흥적인
the composer sat down at the piano and gave an impromput performance of his most famous pieces
docile : 유순한
that breed of dog is especially known for it's docile nature
Gibberish : 횡설수설
he keeps talking a lot of sience gibberish that i can't understand
( 주로 난해하고 복잡한, 알아들을수 없는 말들을 깎아내릴때 쓰는말. )
Aficionado : 애호가, 매니아
EX-governor of california, Arnold schwarzenegger , was known to be a cigar aficionado.
pagan : 이단
many american holiday traditions are based on ancient pagan customs.
inconsiderate : 남을 배려하지 않는
i think people who watch TV loudly on the subway are extremely inconsiderate.
impeccable : 나무랄 데 없는 , 완벽한
his english grammar is impeccable
squander : 탕진하다
he inherited a fortune from his father but he squandered it away gambling and drinking
Deity : 신
all of the world's major religions are monotheistic , meaning that they believe in one god.
Deter : 말리다, 미연에 방지하다.
nothing will deter me in the pursuit of my dreams
indigant : 분개한 , 억울해서 화가난
he was indignant at his boss's failure to mention his contributions ot the success of the project
Spiel : 호객하는, 호객하는 말들
I listned to his whole spiel about why his company would be the best potion for us to go with but i still wasn't convinced
Insular : 배타적인 , 섬과 같이 고립된
korean communities abroad, with their separate korean churches, video stores, grocery stores, and restaurants are often described as insular
Scrupulous : 성실한, 견실한, 양심적인
Police have pledged to carry out the their investigation into the politician's illicit activities in an upright and scrupulous
In vain : 헛되다, 헛되이
don't let my death be in vain
in the name of : ~의 이름으로
the crusades and the spanish inquisition are just two of the many atrocities carried out by misguided zealots in the name of chrisitianity.
inexplicable : 불가해한
how could those animals have known there was going to be an earthquake before it eben struck? animal sense is truly inexplicable
Uncanny : 초인적인 , 초자연적인 , 신비한 (유사어 : superenatural)
my wife has the uncanny ability to always tell when im hiding something from her
he has an uncanny resemblance to president obama.
kitsch : 촌스러운 장식품
i traveled to the chinese countryside to find some deeper asian wisdom but all i found was kung fu kitch.
Laconnic : 간결한 말이 필요없는
For a while she attempted maintain correspondence with her husband during his dispatch to the front lines but his continuosly laconic replies soon frustrated her attempts at long distance connection.
slew : 많음, 다수
i thought he was displeased because of his supervior, but when i met with him personally, he confessed a slew of commplants.
panache : 겉치레
have you every seen him gice a persentation? he has a surprising amout of panache
Affluent : 부유한 유복한
he hails from a affluent suburb of washington DC
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